Features of your baby:
* Your baby is approximately 6 - 9cm (2 - 4inch) in length. He/she weighs about 19g.
Circulatory System:
* Normal heart rate: 120 - 160 bpm. Otherwise, fully functioning.
* The fetal liver was enlarged from forming blood cells from the 7th week until the 9th week.
* Stem cells seed the bone marrow, thymus, spleen, and lymph nodes from the 8th week until the 11th
* Blood type was determined by the 6th week.
Gastrointestinal System:
* The midgut was projecting into the umbilical cord between weeks 5 and 10.
* Since week 9, your baby has been making glycogen to store in the liver.
* Bile is secreted.
Respiratory System:
* Lung bud, bronchi, trachea and larynx formation has been going on since the 4th week and will continue
until the 17th week.
* Fetal respirations may be viewable on ultrasound possibly by week 11.
* Vocal cords appear at week 12.
Renal System:
* The kindeys began to function in the 9th week. Urine is excreted into the amniotic fluid and adds
to its volume.
Neurological System:
* Baby has nerve fibers gained in the 8th week and (by weeks 11 - 12) has respiratory movement.
* Baby Holliman can wiggle his/her toes and fingers.
* He/she can also change position, do somersaults, and suck his/her thumb.
* Your baby can see! Rods and cones are present in the retina from week 7.
* Taste buds barely present.
Endocrine System:
* Thyroxine secretion began in week 8.
* The adrenal cotex is now producing hormones.
Reproductive System:
* Female/male genitalia is distinguishable and fully differentiated.
* If your baby is a boy, he has been making testosterone since the 7th week.
Musculoskeletal System:
* Nothing new really. Continuing ossification and joint formation.
Integumentary System:
* At 12 weeks, Telooola/Tellulah will have lanugo
* Fingernails and toenails are beginning to form.