Wyley Greyson Holliman

20 weeks

7 - 8 weeks
10 - 12 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
30 - 32 weeks
36 - 40 weeks

You've made it! Your baby is now considered viable. If it is born after this period, it has the capability to live outside the womb. Amazing!



Your fetus looks like a baby!

From the Last Time:
* Heart beat present.
* Blood cells and vessels have formed.
* Pharynx, lower respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, 1st half of the duodenum, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder there.
* Kidneys formed.
* Brain formed and brain waves detectable.
* Thyroid and adrenal glands present.
* Bones and muscles developed.
* Flat bones of skull developing.
* 2 layers of skin cells.
* Fingers, toes, ears, and nose forming.
* Baby has a blood type :)
* Making glycogen to store in the liver.
* Secreting bile.
* Lungs, bronchi, and trachea formed.
* Fetal respirations are viewable by ultrasound.
* Vocal cords present.
* Kidneys functioning and excreting urine.
* Nerve fibers present.
* He/she can wiggle his/her toes.
* He/she can see.
* Taste buds present.
* Secreting thyroxine and adrenal cortex producing hormones.
* Female/male genitalia fully differentiated.
* Lanugo, fingernails, and toenails appearing.
* Baby has meconium and his/her anus is open.
* GI tract secreting enzymes.
* Bronnchi and terminal bronchioles enlarging and aveoli forming.
* Elastic fibers are present in lungs.
* Quickening has begun.
* Cerebral lobes delineated and the cerebellum assumes some prominence.
* Female: Oogenesis started and vagina open.
* Male: Testes in place for descent.
* Arm and leg movements seen on ultrasound and joint cavities appear.
* Skin thickening and epidermal ridges present.


The Holliman Baby! It might be a girl...and then, it might be a boy...

Update Extraordinaire:
* Baby is 16 - 18.5 cm and 300g.
Gastrointestinal System:
* Baby is swallowing amniotic fluid which contributes to the meconium in his/her bowel.
* Gastric emptying and peristaltic activity occur.
* Fetal waste is handled by the placenta.
* Enamel and dentine are depositing in the teeth.
* The ascending colon is recognizable. (His/her colon looks like a colon...lol)
Respiratory System:
* Bronchi, terminal bronchi, and aveoli continue to enlarge.
* Lecithin (type of surfactant) is present in the 21 week.
* Nostrils reopen and primitive respiratory movements begin.
Neurological System:
* Quickening might occur now.
* Your fetus can distinguish between tastes. He/she has the beginnings of his/her sweet tooth :)
* He/she reacts to temperature changes. Cold can make the baby hiccup.
* Baby has REM sleep and might be dreaming.
* Brain is mostly formed and cord myelination begins.
* The spinal cord ends at the 1st sacral vertebra.
Musculoskeletal System:
* Sternum, nose, and ears ossify.
Endocrine System:
* Insulin is being produced.
Integumentary System:
* Lanugo covers the entire body of your baby.
* Eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp hair are beginning to grow.
* Vernix caseosa (a cheese-like protective film) covers your baby.
* Sebaceous glands appear.