Wyley Greyson Holliman

16 weeks

7 - 8 weeks
10 - 12 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
30 - 32 weeks
36 - 40 weeks

The 16th week mark has come and gone and it's coming close to time to find out the baby's sex. Yay! :D




These are all pictures of a baby at 16 weeks.


* Heart beat present.
* Blood cells and vessels have formed.
* Pharynx, lower respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, 1st half of the duodenum, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder there.
* Kidneys formed.
* Brain formed and brain waves detectable.
* Thyroid and adrenal glands present.
* Bones and muscles developed.
* Flat bones of skull developing.
* 2 layers of skin cells.
* Fingers, toes, ears, and nose forming.
* Baby has a blood type :)
* Making glycogen to store in the liver.
* Secreting bile.
* Lungs, bronchi, and trachea formed.
* Fetal respirations are viewable by ultrasound.
* Vocal cords present.
* Kidneys functioning and excreting urine.
* Nerve fibers present.
* He/she can wiggle his/her toes.
* He/she can see.
* Taste buds present.
* Secreting thyroxine and adrenal cortex producing hormones.
* Female/male genitalia fully differentiated.
* Lanugo, fingernails, and toenails appearing.

New Stuffs:
* Baby is 11.5 - 13.5 cm long and weighs 100g.
Gastrointestinal System:
* Meconium in baby's bowel.
* Anus open.
* Secretes some enzymes.
Respiratory System:
* Beginning this week, bronchi and terminal bronchioles enlarge and aveoli form.
* Elastic fibers appear in lungs.
Neurological System:
* Sometime between now and 24 weeks, you'll start feeling the baby move around in there.
* Cerebral lobes delineated and the cerebellum assumes some prominence.
Reproductive System:
* If your baby is a female, oogenesis is established and vagina is open.
* If it's a male, the testes are in place for descent.
Musculoskeletal System:
* Arm and leg movements visible on ultrasound.
* Joint cavities appear.
Integumentary System:
* Skin is beginning to thicken.
* Epidermal ridges are present on hands, fingers, bottoms of the feet, and toes. Handprints and footprints are unique to the babay.