Wyley Greyson Holliman

28 weeks

7 - 8 weeks
10 - 12 weeks
16 weeks
20 weeks
24 weeks
28 weeks
30 - 32 weeks
36 - 40 weeks

Hey kiddo :) 7 months now!



New things for baby:
* Baby is 27cm and 1100g.

Circulatory System:
* Fetus is creating brown fat in preparation for the temperature change outside the womb. New babies can't shiver. This is how they keep warm instead.
Respiratory System:
* Alveoli developing in lungs.
* Lecithin forming on lung surfaces.
Neurological System:
* Fissures forming in cerebral hemispheres.
* Sleep and wake cycle indefinite.
* Baby can cry and suck weakly.
Reproductive System:
* Testes are beginning to descend :)
Musculoskeletal System:
* Ankle bone ossifying. Baby can make some weak kicking movements.
Integumentary System:
* Hair on baby's head is longer than lanugo on the body.
* Body still lean but less wrinkled and red.

Features of the Fetus:

* Heart beat present.

* Blood cells and vessels have formed.

* Pharynx, lower respiratory tract, esophagus, stomach, 1st half of the duodenum, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder there.

* Kidneys formed.

* Brain formed and brain waves detectable.

* Thyroid and adrenal glands present.

* Bones and muscles developed.

* Flat bones of skull developing.

* 2 layers of skin cells.

* Fingers, toes, ears, and nose forming.

* Baby has a blood type :)

* Making glycogen to store in the liver.

* Secreting bile.

* Lungs, bronchi, and trachea formed.

* Fetal respirations are viewable by ultrasound.

* Vocal cords present.

* Kidneys functioning and excreting urine.

* Nerve fibers present.

* He/she can wiggle his/her toes.

* He/she can see.

* Taste buds present.

* Secreting thyroxine and adrenal cortex producing hormones.

* Female/male genitalia fully differentiated.

* Lanugo, fingernails, and toenails appearing.

* Baby has meconium and his/her anus is open.

* GI tract secreting enzymes.

* Bronnchi and terminal bronchioles enlarging and aveoli forming.

* Elastic fibers are present in lungs.

* Quickening has begun.

* Cerebral lobes delineated and the cerebellum assumes some prominence.

* Female: Oogenesis started and vagina open.

* Male: Testes in place for descent.

* Arm and leg movements seen on ultrasound and joint cavities appear.

* Skin thickening and epidermal ridges present.

* Swallowing amniotic fluid and gastric emptying and peristalsis occur.

* Enamel and dentine in the teeth and the colon looks like a colon.

* Bronchi, terminal bronchi, and aveoli have been enlarging.

* Lecithin is present.

* Nostrils have reopened and respiratory movements have begun.

* Quickening may have occured.

* Baby knows its flavors and reacts to temperature changes.

* Baby might be dreaming.

* Brain is mostly formed and cord myelination has begun.

* The spinal cord ends at the 1st sacral vertebra.

* Sternum, nose, and ears ossifying.

* Insulin is produced.

* Lanugo covers baby.

* Eyebrows, eyelashes, and scalp hair have begun to grow.

* Vernix caseosa covers baby.

* Sebaceous glands have appeared.

* Sweat glands formed.